The difference between ZenyumClear™, ZenyumClear™ Plus and ZenyumClear™ Extra

Holding a pair Zenyum Invisible Braces

Transforming your smile discreetly with fast, visible results? Zenyum has you covered! If you’ve been searching for “invisible braces” or “clear aligners,” you’re in the right place. Previously, Zenyum was only able to treat mild teeth misalignments, because our treatment capabilities were not as advanced. Since then, we’ve leveled up to help even more people […]

4 Solo Activities That Are Better With Friends | Zenyum SG

While solitude might have become the default experience for most of us recently, it doesn’t negate the fact you have friends around you who need your support and vice versa. Here are some surprising things that are way better when done with friends. Cooking with friends If you enjoy cooking or baking, you might usually […]

Healthy Smile Habits For a Great Night Time Routine | Zenyum SG

night routine habits

Start your days with your nights! You’ve probably heard about the importance of a morning routine, but do you know that your  night routine pulls equal weight? A consistent night time routine can set you up for success by preparing you for the day ahead. In the long term, it leads to better sleep, higher […]

The Smarter Way To Fuel Up For Your Day | Zenyum SG

Breakfast is usually seen as the most important meal of the day – and rightfully so. From refueling your body to setting the mood for the day, a healthy breakfast routine is a smart way to start your day on the right foot. Having the right dose of key nutrients in your system helps to […]

How To Host Your New Year Zoom Countdown | Zenyum SG

We’re all eager to bid 2020 farewell, and get cracking on our new year’s resolutions. While this year’s countdown is going to look very different, all is not lost! Because a Zoom countdown is a lot more fun than you think if you plan it well. Here are 6 tips to crush your first virtual […]

5 Symptoms You Can Expect When You Wear Clear Aligners | Zenyum SG

While clear aligners provide a range of benefits over conventional metal braces, it does not exempt one from the inevitable sacrifices that come with giving ourselves our best smile. Here are 5 unexpected but totally normal things that happen while wearing clear aligners. 1. You have a lisp You may experience a lisp for the […]

5 Ways to Wake Up Smarter | Zenyum SG | Zenyum SG

1. Mother knows best… go to bed early! This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at the often-overlooked benefits of hitting the sack early. While working overtime or burning the midnight oil is a norm for time-pressed students and working professionals, productive daytime hours the next day are sacrificed in exchange […]

The Zenyum Experience: What Changes With Clear Aligners? | Zenyum SG

Welcome to the aligner club. Wearing clear aligners can require you to make changes in your lifestyle to adapt to your new BFFs that you can’t live without. Here are some changes you can expect when you embark on your Zenyum journey 1. Uploading photos every 10 days “Patients are then monitored via the Zenyum […]

The Timeline For The Perfect Wedding Smile | Zenyum SG

It takes a lot to plan a wedding. You have to scour for wedding venues, try on a million outfits  and even balance expectations from both families. Many couples also commit to a fitness regime months before their wedding to look their best. Similarly, a great smile takes time to achieve.    Here’s the wedding […]

How to Turn Your Bad Habits into Good Ones Using The Habit Loop | Zenyum SG

Here at Zenyum, we’re all about good habits. We believe they are the foundation of not just your oral health but mental health, well-being, success and productivity as well. You might think that changing your bad habits into good ones is an uphill task, but with a little trick called the Habit Loop (we’ll talk […]

5 Good Habits That Will Improve Your Life In 2 Minutes | Zenyum SG

Time is money and money cannot buy you time. Here are 5 good habits that only take 2 minutes that can help you become more productive and a better version of you. 1. Write down your daily goals You’ve heard this quote before: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Taking 2 minutes […]


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