How to get rid of bad breath

8 December 2020

A man holding a water flosser and smiling against a blue background.

Ever wondered how to get rid of bad breath (or bad breath from your mouth, as some might say)?  Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a confidence crusher. But fear not, fresh breath is achievable! This blog dives deep into the causes of bad breath and equips you with effective strategies to maintain a minty-fresh smile everyday!

Foods That Cause Bad Breath

Certain foods, while delicious, can wreak havoc on your breath. Here’s a breakdown of some common foods that cause bad breath:


Garlic and Onions: These pungent veggies contain sulfur compounds that linger in the mouth after digestion. Tip: Enjoy them in moderation and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water afterwards.


Spicy Foods: Spicy meals can irritate the tissues in your mouth, leading to bad breath. Tip: Pair spicy dishes with cooling drinks like yogurt or milk to neutralize the heat.


Coffee and Alcohol: Both dehydrate the mouth, reducing saliva production, a natural breath freshener.

A cup of cappuccino in blue cup

Smile Tip: Drink plenty of water alongside your coffee and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

The role of gum disease

Gum disease, a chronic inflammation of the gums, is a major culprit behind bad breath from gum disease (also known as periodontal disease). Bacteria build-up under the gum line releases foul-smelling toxins. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for early detection and treatment of gum disease to maintain optimal oral health. This is where good dental hygiene comes in!

Combating dry mouth

Dry mouth, a condition with reduced saliva flow, creates a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria. This can be caused by medications, dehydration, or medical conditions.  


Smile Tip: Stay hydrated throughout the day, consider using a humidifier at night, and consult your doctor if dry mouth persists.

How to deal with bad breath

A strong oral hygiene routine forms the foundation of fresh breath. Here’s some ways to get rid of bad breath naturally:

Zenyum's oral care range for bad breath featuring floss, mouthwash and toothpaste.

Flossing: ZenyumFresh™ Floss effectively removes food particles and plaque between teeth, with sturdy nylon strings. It’s got a charcoal mint flavour too! 

Water Flossing: Zenyum Waterflosser Pro provides a powerful yet gentle clean, removing hidden debris and promoting gum health.

Mouthwash: ZenyumFresh™ Breath Shield Mouthwash neutralizes odor-causing bacteria and leaves a refreshing minty taste. After a meal or strong drink, swish 20 ml in your mouth for 30 seconds. 

Toothpaste: ZenyumFresh™ Toothpaste Day! & Night. protects your enamel as you go about your day and repairs your enamel and gums while you sleep. 


Can bad breath be a sign of a more serious health issue?

Yes, persistent bad breath can sometimes indicate underlying medical conditions like diabetes, sinus infections, or digestive issues. Consult your doctor if home remedies like mouth rinses or the strategies above don’t improve your breath.

Yes, genetics can play a role in how your body processes certain foods and the composition of your saliva. However, good oral hygiene can significantly minimize bad breath regardless of your genes.

Most people notice a significant improvement in bad breath within a few days of implementing a consistent oral hygiene routine.

A lady with white teeth smiling.

Want to have fresh breath for life?

We’ve got everything you need for fresher breath!

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