The Smarter Way To Fuel Up For Your Day

30 December 2020

Breakfast is usually seen as the most important meal of the day – and rightfully so. From refueling your body to setting the mood for the day, a healthy breakfast routine is a smart way to start your day on the right foot. Having the right dose of key nutrients into your system helps to power up your mornings, so you’re ready to crush it at work or school.

Delicious but draining foods

For many of us, our morning cravings often involve us hungering for a delectable breakfast spread. Although indulging in chocolatey cereals and fluffy pancakes might form a part of your ideal, Instagram-worthy breakfast, these palate-pleasers can do more harm than good.


Many popular breakfast foods contain high levels of sugar while being low in important nutrients responsible for keeping you invigorated and healthy. Ingesting high amounts of sugar can cause you to feel lethargic, making lunchtime seem eons away. We are all too familiar with the dreaded ‘sugar crash’ by the time we start our day proper. Before you know it, your hearty and delectable breakfast turns into a disheartening, bitter memory.


So what’s the smarter way to fuel up for the day? Read on.

Switching to a healthier breakfast

A healthy breakfast should include lean proteins, as well as whole grains topped off with fresh fruits and vegetables. These nutrients help to regulate your blood sugar, cholesterol and fat amounts to healthy levels. At the same time, a healthy breakfast ensures that your energy levels are sufficient for you to remain focused and motivated throughout the day.

But what does a healthy breakfast look like? You can opt for a vegetable omelet, paired with a slice of whole-grain toast and an apple. If cereals are your must-have, try high fibre or whole grain alternatives combined with reduced-fat milk for a guilt-free breakfast. Your local supermarket’s shelves are always stocked with healthy foodstuffs; just be mindful of nutritional ratings! A smarter way to start your morning doesn’t have to compromise on the taste of your breakfast.

Polishing up your breakfast feast

Done with your healthier breakfast? Good! Now it’s time to polish things off by keeping your oral hygiene in check. You see, some protein-rich foods might promote the growth of cavities. So, make it a habit to finish off your breakfast the smarter way with the ZenyumSonic Toothbrush!

The ZenyumSonic Toothbrush features 3 modes: clean, gentle and white. Switching to ‘clean’ is perfect for getting rid of any pesky food bits stuck in hard to reach places. And because its soft bristles vibrate at 33,000 times per minute, your teeth get a thorough – yet mesmerizingly gentle – scrub for that clean, dentist-polished feel after every meal.

Now that’s one more way to start your day smarter.

Build a smarter, healthier brushing habit today

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