3 Sneaky Habits That Stunt Your Success And How To Overcome Them

Do you look at what others have achieved and wonder why you’re not achieving the success you want? One possible reason could be some sneaky habits in your mindset that stop you from achieving your full potential. Here are 3 common ones and how you can overcome them. Having self-doubt If you’re walking into a […]

5 Ways to Wake Up Smarter

1. Mother knows best… go to bed early! This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at the often-overlooked benefits of hitting the sack early. While working overtime or burning the midnight oil is a norm for time-pressed students and working professionals, productive daytime hours the next day are sacrificed in exchange […]

4 Reasons To Straighten Your Teeth That Have Nothing To Do With An Ego Trip

invisible braces

In a world obsessed with physical appearances, your smile counts big time. Taking care of it, is just as important as staying well nourished and keeping fit. However, straight teeth are more than meets the eye, quite literally. They don’t only impact what you see on the outside but also how you feel on the […]

5 Things You Must Invest In Your 20s for a Zenyum Life

Investing. We all know we need to do it, but at 22 where exactly does one start? With the plethora of options out there, and your newfound financial freedom how do you make the best spending decisions? We’ve come up with a list to help you put those extra few bucks to better use. The […]

Are You A Reluctant Smiler? 3 Steps To Getting Your Genuine Smile Back

Do you try your hardest not to smile or laugh – despite your friends’ funniest jokes – in public? And even on the rare occasions when your lips do part, does your hand automatically go up to your mouth? Congratulations; you’re a reluctant smiler! Maybe it’s something to do with your teeth (just like the […]

Crooked Teeth Problems? Here’s How This Solution Became Accessible To All

If you had it your way, your teeth would line up as neatly as the keys on a piano.   But because of various reasons, with varying degrees of It’s your fault because you ‘forgot’ to wear your retainers, or You were screwed over in the dental genes department…   You are stuck with crooked […]

Oh SHIFT! My Teeth Shifted After Braces: What Should I Do?

After 3 years of putting up with being called ‘metal mouth,’ ‘train track,’ and ‘tin grin,’ your braces are finally off–and you’re in love with your new, straight smile.   But wait, are your eyes playing tricks on you or is your front tooth shifting bit by bit?   Whelp.     Here’s the unfortunate […]

The Hidden Power Of Smiling

Have you ever wanted to be a superhero and make everyone happy? You can, if you harness the hidden power of your smile. Here are some fun facts about smiling that you probably never knew: Smiles can be used as a LIFE indicator   Believe it or not, smiling can show you what your current […]


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