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Your search for 'zenyum' has 103 matching result(s):

Your smile is essential for your wedding day. Here’s a timeline for you to prep your wedding smile!
Got a question about dental hygiene and don’t know who to ask? Here are the answers to some of your top questions.
Start your day right with the perfect morning routine here!
Here are some secrets to making your New Year’s Resolutions stick beyond January in 2021.
Working from home? Here’s how to dress for WFH days to achieve maximum work productivity and beat the fatigue!
Should you be concerned if your aligners feel loose? Here are 5 unexpected but totally normal things that happen while wearing clear aligners.
Check our breath all the time! You may notice your breath more than usual, and that some foods can cause bad breath (halitosis) more than others. Here are 5 common culprits you should be aware of.
With teledentistry, you can now use your smartphone or desktop to consult your doctor or dentist and access professional dental care services remotely.
If you want clean white teeth, you should not scrub your teeth with a toothbrush that has hard bristles to make sure you get all the stains out!
Forget the Sonicare DiamondClean. Save big time with the ZenyumSonic™ Toothbrush!
Clear aligners hurt, at least for a few days! Here’s why they’re worth the temporary pain for results that last forever.
If you’re feeling pain and discomfort while wearing clear aligners, remember that it is temporary and that it is a good sign! Read on for tips on how to manage the discomfort.


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