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Your search for 'Zenyum' has 103 matching result(s):

If your manual toothbrush could talk, what would it say? This is what this sad toothbrush wants its owner to know.
How do you prepare a once-in-a-lifetime smile for a once-in-a-lifetime occasion? Read more to find out!
Did you know that not trusting a safe invisible braces provider can actually be dangerous to both your smile and oral health? Here’s how to tell if your invisible braces provider is safe.
Are thorough dentist consultations really that important before getting transparent braces? You bet! Here’s what to expect from a thorough consultation with your dentist.
Lost your invisible braces? It’s going to set you back on your journey towards a straight set of teeth. Here are 4 easy tips so you don’t lose them.
If you’re looking for some extra motivation to get your teeth straightened, keep reading!
Does your invisible braces provider operate out of a co-working space? It could be dangerous for you. Find out why here.
Your dentist may have asked you to do IPR before you start wearing invisible braces. Find out what it is, why you need it and whether it is painful.
Many DIY invisible braces skip X-rays before treatment. And a few brands insist on them. So do you actually need X-rays before straightening your teeth? Find out here.
Do you know how to properly take care of the most important part of your teeth? Find out some enamel facts and more here.
I wore braces when I was younger, the traditional kind, but of course I didn’t wear my retainers enough which eventually caused my teeth to shift places and no longer straight”, Natalie gently admits behind a shy laugh. “Deep down I knew the costly and painful experience of wearing traditional metal braces was not an option, so I had been waiting for a new solution for quite some time. So to be honest, when I came across Zenyum it was a bit of a no-brainer; affordable and dentist-approved treatment LET’S GO!
Thinking about whitening your teeth, but not sure what actually works? We debunk 5 of the most popular – and misleading – teeth-whitening myths here.


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