How Does Zenyum Really Work? Your Top Questions Answered

20 August 2021

A blue aligner case, perfect for storing your Zenyum Invisible Braces on-the-go.

You asked, and we’re delivering: How exactly does Zenyum work?

Sure, your Instagram feed is flooded with invisible aligners ads, and you’re thinking to yourself: Aren’t they all the same? Except, well, they’re not.

We’re here to help you get the smile you’ve always dreamed of so you can cheese your heart out when the camera flash goes off, with no need to be self conscious about your chompers. And we want to do this by having our dentists take charge of your treatment plan and dental health, and we’ll take care of the rest, like being easily accessible on your Zenyum app for any questions or concerns.

Basically, we’re working with top dentists to help you get your dream smile easily and at a reasonable price, with dental health coming first and foremost.

Go big or go home, right?

1. Pre-assessment: Why do I need to submit teeth photos for Zenyum? Who’s looking at them?

Snapping a few teeth pics and submitting them online (feel free to read our guide on that), is the first step you’ll be taking in our Zenyum journey. These photos allow our dentists to assess if you’ll be eligible to benefit from Zenyum Invisible Braces, without having you hoist yourself into a dentist’s chair and pay for a consultation, just to be rejected.

We admit it can be a little… vulnerable, taking photos of your teeth. After all, you’re documenting  what might be negligent flossing habits, imperfect brushing techniques, and who knows what else? Don’t sweat it though. We’re all human – and we promise that none of our Zenyum dentists are judging the state of your teeth. In fact, our dentists are looking to see if Zenyum Invisible Braces could benefit you. And, if it makes you feel better, you can even check out exactly what our dentists can tell from your pre-assessment photos.

The downside? As much as we’d like to, unfortunately we can’t treat everyone. Some conditions may mean that Zenyum Invisible Braces won’t be suitable for you. But isn’t it better to find that out before you climb onto your dentist’s chair (and get billed for it!)?

2. That first dentist visit: Why do I still need to see a dentist? And what happens when I go for my first dentist appointment?

“What? I thought Zenyum was about no-fuss care?” you ask? Fair enough.

Striking that balance between medically-sound and safe dentist supervision, and less dentist visits is tricky, but we think we’ve nailed it. Zenyum is all about getting professional expert care, minus the fuss (and commute!). And while we are fans of keeping things easy for you, the most important part of your Smile More journey will still have to start at a dental clinic.

Why? Well, because we’re not dentists. You might need routine scaling and polishing, or to patch up those pesky cavities before starting on aligners. Whether your teeth need a few tweaks or they’re all ready to get ZenyumClear™-ified, only a licensed dentist could tell you that for sure. (And never trust anyone who tells you otherwise.)

If you’re approved for treatment, we’ll reach out to you so you can select a dentist from our list of partner dental clinics.

If you’re nervous about going to the dentist, you’re not the only one. Many people have anxiety about going to the dentist, and we’re here to help make it less scary. At your first dentist appointment, after being approved for Zenyum Invisible Braces, you’ll go for:

  • A full mouth examination (gotta make sure everything’s good to go!).
  • X-rays/impression scans, depending on the clinic you go to, so we have a clear (get it?) picture of your bone structure. This gives a good idea of how your whole mouth will eventually look after aligners.
  • 3D scans, so we can make your custom aligners fit your teeth perfectly.
  • Anything else your dentist recommends.

X-rays are an incredibly important step in your Zenyum Invisible Braces journey. Although we can give a preliminary assessment via the photos you submitted, we’ll still need to take a look at your bone structure. Your bones, hidden beneath your gums, gives us insight into exactly how your teeth will move and allow us to plan around that. Without X-rays, your bone structure might throw us a curveball that affects your treatment outcome, which is definitely bad news.

It’s worth mentioning that payment for this first visit will be made directly to the dental clinic and it will probably cost you somewhere around HKD$1,500. We’ll reach out to you to remind you of your appointment, so make sure to add it to your calendar once we confirm your booking.

Of course, on top of this first dental appointment, you should still be visiting the dentist at least twice a year for your regular scaling and polishing. It also gives your dentists an opportunity to fix any ongoing issues before they get too severe. After all, the only thing more important than a great smile is keeping your mouth healthy and happy!

3. Kickstarting Your Smile Journey: Is Zenyum legit? How much does Zenyum cost?

When it comes to treatment plans, we believe we’ve got it down pat. With your assigned dentist and a dedicated team of Zenyum dentists collaborating on your customised treatment plan, we’re able to ensure your smile gets created in the safest way possible, and with multiple experts working together to come up with the right treatment for you. Hey, teamwork makes the dream work, right? And don’t even get us started on DIY orthodontics – nope, we’re the real, professional deal, folks!

This treatment plan will show you the current state of your teeth, as well as where your Zenyum journey will eventually take them. It comes in the form of a 3D image that lets you see your teeth from every angle, so you get a nice, clear picture of how your teeth will move throughout every stage of your treatment plan.

Not happy with your treatment plan? Don’t sweat it – just reach out to our customer success team and we’ll work with you to find the solution that best fits your dental needs. After all, we’re backed by the pros, and they know what’s best.

Now, onto the Big Question that most of you are probably wondering about – how / when do I pay? Well, once you’re happy with your treatment plan and feel that you’re ready to go ahead, we’ll send you a bill.

If you need the numbers, here’s the breakdown: You could be paying anywhere from HKD$16,800–$26,800 if you’re paying up front, not including the cost of your first dental appointment.

If you’re a little concerned about cash flow, you might be interested in going for our interest-free instalment plan.

For ZenyumClear™ users, that means S$863 paid over 3 months with 0% interest. For ZenyumClear Plus™ users, it’s an S$863 down payment, with the remaining amount paid in equal instalments over 5 months with 0% interest. It really is that simple!

4. Second dental consultation: Your Zenyum Invisible Braces Fitting

Yup! Your aligners are 3D-printed to fit your teeth, and only your teeth. That’s why they take anywhere from 4-5 weeks before they’re ready before they’re ready. After which, you’ll need to go to the dentist’s clinic to pick them up, which might be the most exciting part – finally getting those aligners! Trust us, we’re just as excited as you.

Why do you need to collect your aligners at your dentist’s clinic? Because you’ve got to have your Zenyum Invisible Braces fitted! After all, they’ll need to fit perfectly to make sure they work.

In fact, our dental partners may even teach you how to use and care for your Zenyum Invisible Braces! On top of that, you’ll also get a video from us on how to care for your aligners. The last thing we want is for your Zenyum Invisible Braces experience to be subpar.

Make sure that you flag any discomfort you feel when wearing your aligners for the first time. While a short adjustment period is normal, extreme discomfort is not. Your dentist will be able to advise you on how to proceed in the unlikely event that you do have any major issues with your aligners.

One of the most important parts of your fitting appointment would be your dentist performing IPR (interproximal reduction), if you need it.

Sounds intimidating? We get why. But what is it, really? Well, naturally, if there isn’t enough space for your teeth to move into their desired position, you wouldn’t be able to get the best results. In fact, going without IPR might result in your teeth sticking forward after treatment, causing a change in your profile, for the worst mind you! Probably not what you signed up for, and we don’t want to set you up for failure either.

A potential alternative for the best results without IPR would be a tooth extraction, and we’re sure we don’t need to explain why that wouldn’t be a fun time for you.

5. At-home treatment and monitoring: Does Zenyum have an app? What does the Zenyum App do?

But of course. It’s probably one of the best parts of the Zenyum treatment journey. That unassuming little square icon on your phone allows your dentist to track your progress. Like magic.

You’ll be snapping pictures of your pearly whites every ten days to ensure that your teeth are moving according to your treatment plan. Of course, they’ll also assess that you’re wearing your aligners the right way so you can get the most out of them!

You’ll also receive reminders via the app when you need to change your aligners to your next set. Especially handy if you’re the forgetful type who loses track of days (these days, who isn’t?!)  – the app will be here to save you from yourself!

Additionally, should any SOS situations arise (like if you lose your aligners, etc), you can contact our customer care team through our app as well. See? Easy peasy. If it’s something medically urgent, our dentists will also be available through the app to advise you on next steps.

And there you have it! Your Zenyum Invisible Braces plan, from start to finish. Now that you know all about the process, don’t forget to submit your pre-assessment photos to get started! We promise we’ll be here for you every step of the way.

Smile More folks! This is only the beginning.

Want The Perfect Invisible Braces?

Zenyum provides the perfect option all while making it affordable!

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